Below are results of a query of the Veterinary Medical Data Program, done by Alice M. Wolf, DVM, DACVIM, DABVP. Information is compiled from veterinary colleges in North America. The data below represents a survey of 10 years of data from 1987-1997. The percentages come from a comparison of all the horses of each breed that were brought to these schools for any problem to the number that were subsequently diagnosed as having suspensory ligament disease. That normalizes the percentages to the number of horses in the population.
The query specifically searched for the following diagnoses: Suspensory Ligament Desmitis, Suspensory Ligament Rupture, Suspensory Ligament Sprain, and Suspensory Ligament Laxity. At the time of this query, there were the only codes for suspensory ligament disease in the veterinary computer database. Breeds are listed by frequency of incidence for these problems. Breeds where no individual was diagnosed with suspensory ligament disease are not listed. Breeds with less than 10 individuals seen per year are also not listed as the number is statistically insignificant.